The Ziggurat Book
16 elegantly seamless knits
sweaters :: cardigans :: tutorials
~ includes the eBook* with 2 additional bonus patterns~
You can buy the book from:
- Shephardess (Europe & worldwide)
- Yarn Culture (US & Canada) & other stockists)
- Shephardess (Europe & worldwide)
- Remarkable Yarns (US & Canada)
*eBook with 18 patterns is available also as a Ravelry download
Let Åsa Tricosa introduce you to the art of knitting beautiful top-down sweaters, using her innovative ‘Ziggurat’ technique. Skilfully designed to minimise cutting and joining of skeins, and to maximise flowing and seamless knitting, the Ziggurat method is clever, addictive and produces well-fitting, well-finished sweaters.
The book is written for both experienced and novice knitters, and for those new to sweater knitting. The comprehensive and elegant patterns will guide you, step-by-step, through the basics of Ziggurating. You can choose to follow the patterns as written, to master the techniques and gain confidence. Or you can use Åsa’s extensive detailed tutorials, and customise the patterns to suit yourself – adapt the neckline, add pockets, tucks, or lined hems and cuffs to create truly unique knits.
This is Åsa’s invitation to discover the beauty of some of her favourite yarns, with designs knitted in a range of weights from heavy laceweight to aran from both commercial and indie dyers.
Dibadu • DyeForYarn • Ginger Twist Studio
The Little Grey Sheep • Midwinter Yarns • Nature’s Luxury
Outlaw Yarn • Purlescence • Rauwerk • Ripples Crafts
Rohrspatz & Wollmeise • The Uncommon Thread
WalkCollection • Cascade • Malabrigo
NEED TO PLAN your yarn purchases or go stash diving?
Click on the image below to view or download a PDF with a summary of yarns, yardages, needles and gauge for each pattern, including the 2 bonus patterns:
Or you can have a look this Summary Page on Ravelry.
View a STOCKIST list here.
Want to know what else is up my knitted sleeve? Sign up for the occasional Åsa Tricosa Newsletter
Does it seem likely that the paper book will become available from another retailer eventually? Cost of shipping and carbon footprint seem a bit difficult for those of us outside Europe. Thank you!
I’m working on it, but don’t have any useful information yet (and it may be a while).
Thank you for writing and for letting me know that you are interested in this option!
I am interested too. Gabi, Berlin
I believe it will have arrived or soon be available in a few places in Germany. (Yay!) You can keep an eye on the stockists list (link) for the latest updates. You can also ask your local yarn store to stock the book!
Thanks for writing!
Will it be for sale in the Netherlands? I am very curious
Hello Ineke!
Thank you for writing! /åsa
I don’t know. If a yarn shop or other store places an order, it could be! You can always ask your favourite or local yarn shop if they would consider stocking it – t is good for them to know that they have at least one interested customer before they order any books…
What language is it in? I would need it in English. Thanks.

It would be wonderful if we could obtain this from a bookseller in Australia. It’s very expensive to send books to the bottom of the world.
Yes, I agree! It’s expensive also to send them in bulk – I’m working on worlwide (?!) distribution in my general scheme of taking over the world.
Seriously, I will try to make it available and more affordable outside Europe, but have no concrete suggestions yet. Stay tuned.
I just emailed Skein Sisters, Australia’s BEST yarn store (well, opinions vary, but they are the best) to ask them if they plan to stock this book.
Fingers crossed.
Hello Deborah!
Oh fun! I was just chatting on a Fruity Knitting Q & A with a lovely knitter who works there. Small world!It’s a long (and expensive) route to ship there… but fingers crossed, indeed!
Hi Asa. I adore your work and just want to add my request to have you dominate the world! I live in New Zealand and it is so expensive to get your book down here. My library is getting it, but I am 92 on the waiting list
I am saving madly for your book, but I keep getting distracted by yarn….
Me too…I also live in NZ and would sooooo love to be able to buy it but it is so expensive to ship to this side of the world
Yes, I understand – it seems silly to pay as much for postage as for the book itself…. The next book will have to be much lighter!
Hello Asa,
I missed the opportunity of purchasing your book. I will wait until it is distributed here in the USA. Many stores stocked it for a while, but it is sold out. Good luck to those who will receive it in their countries as well.
Sorry you missed it! I’m am working to make the book appear somewhere more near to you soon.
(I think it is avaialble from this store in the Netherlands but I don’t know what they charge for shipping – you will get a deduction for the VAT though so that may cover some of the shipping cost?)
Thanks for writing! /åsa
My name is Yvette and received your book yesterday in the mail. What a pleasure it was to find in the mail. I noticed the there was no information on how to download the ebook or the two additional patterns. There was no paper just the book. Thank you for any assistance you can give me.
Hello Yvette!
Thank you for buying my book!
You’ll find instructions on the back flap, below the abbrevations. If you are a member of Ravelry (and if you aren’t you should be!) you can find more help on this Ravelry page. I hope you’ll enjoy Ziggurating!
Thank you for your quick response and I look forward to enjoying your book.
Hello Asa.
Is your book available in the US? I have looked everywhere online for it but can’t find d it anywhere.
Hello Anita! Thanks for asking. We’re working on making it available to knitters in North America, but it may take a while longer. In the meantime, some knitters have ordered from Purlescence and Loop (you can find them on the stockist page) – it’s possible that also the shop in The Netherlands will ship to the US. They said they would investigate. And it may pay to compare shops for price & shipping costs. But yes, I know that shipping from Europe is an expensive option… which is why we’re working hard to make the book available for less. THANKS for asking!
I Also look forward to being able to purchase in the US!
It seems that there is a good solution underways. I will update the stockist page as soon as it’s a sure thing. Thank you!
I want the book also. Let us know when it is available in theUSA.
Thank you,
Hej Åsa! Jag har köpt din jättfina nya bok genom länken här ovan, och den kom med posten häromdagen. Men det stor ovan att även e-boken ingår. Hur får jag tillgång till den?
Vänliga hälsningar
Hej Kerstin!
Jag vet inte när du skrivit din kommentar – min websideflytt har tagit bort datum och annat i kommentarer. Hursomhelst: I din bok ska det sitta ett klistermärke under det bakre invikta omslaget. Koden som står där använder du sedan för att få boken på Ravelry ( Cheerio! /Åsa
Hej Åsa! Jag har köpt din jättefina nya bok via länken ovan, och den kom med posten häromdagen. Men det står ovan att även e-boken ingår och jag undrar – hur får jag tillgång till den?
Vänliga hälsningar
Hej Kerstin!
Vad kul att du köpt min bok! eBook: Det ska sitta en liten etikett med din kod under fliken på baksidan. Om du inte finner den, så ska du fråga butiken/onlineshopen som sålt boken. Knit with abandon! Vänliga hälsningar / Åsa
Asa, will you be at the NYC Vogue get together where I can buy the book from you?
Indeed I’ll be at Vogue Knitting Live and am looking forward to it. You should be able to find the book at Yarn Culture‘s stall at VKLNY. Thanks for asking! (And Happy New Year!)
Das Buch ist wohl ausverkauft (18.01.2019). Wird es eine Neuauflage geben?
Hello there ! The book is not quite sold out – perhaps this is the case in a specific shop. You can still order the book directly from (in the UK). Alternatively, you could perhaps ask your local or favourite shop in Germany (or elsewhere) to order the book for you. (There is a stockist list here – maybe one of these shops still have copies.)
Finally, yes we are working on a reprint (eine Neuflage)! Thank you for writing! /knit with abandon! åsa
Ciao Asa, sono italiana e vorrei sapere se il libro è acquistabile nel mio paese, e se é tradotto in italiano.
Hello Grazie,
The book is available for shipping all over the world. The distributor is Shephardess.
And you can find other stockists on this page.
(Much as it would be lovely to provide the book in Italian, I’m fairly sure that this is not going to happen. Sorry!)
Thank you for writing!
Dear Åsa. I have just ordered your book from Germany. I am danish
I have knitted topdown for a long time and look forward to learn your method. My question is, when I have the book is the e-book included or do I have to buy both? I ordenes the book from
The eBook is most definitely included. Thank you for buying my book! Mange tak!
I have a question relating to your fantastic lined hems: could they be used with a ribbed neckline, to create a more solid structure? I’m currently working on a top down yoked sweater that starts with a ribbed (not doubled) neck and I think it would be brilliant lined in a contrast colour. Fubarite is next on my to-do list as I can’t get enough of those hems
Yes. I do something like that on the Sammelsurium pullover – a lining is picked up and then the two layers are double-knitted and closed with a 3-needle bind off. It’s not done with ribbing, but of course you could rib the outer layer. Good idea!
Hi Åsa,
I’m so interested in your approach to sweater construction. I actually signed up for the early bird Knitstars 5.0 and look forward to your workshop.
As a guy who knits mostly for myself, would your book and/or workshop provide clear instructions (e.g. formulas) and rationale to knit a seamless ziggurat for a man?
Hello Keith!
Good question! The short reply is: yes, you can knit a male Ziggurat using a pattern from the book and the tutorials in it. There are no formulas per se, but if you are a seasoned knitter you can make use of the tips on how to adapt sizes to better fit your body. But you could also just buy a single pattern – one of the plain Ziggurats – and choose a size that fits your shoulder width. You may need to add rows before separation of sleeves for a deeper armhole (and maybe also larger sleeve circumference). All individual patterns feature a step by step photo tutorial. The book goes into more detail and also has guidance on how to modify a pattern. You can get an overview of the method in this videocast interview.
I have been planning an e-book with 3-4 male ziggurats for the longest time. One day! Thanks for writing! /åsa
Dear Asa,
still I´m at my first steps with Ziggurating, but so far I think I understood most (project at Step 7 and looking good!).
I´m really excited about it! I´m unfortunately not very patient so I enjoy it a lot to go top – down, doing the thinking first and then just run wild
As my English ist not espacially good, do you plan to release your book also in German?
Thanks a lot for your wonderful work!!
And in advance for your answer.
Best wishes Alex
Yes, patience is an overrated virtue…
I hope to offer my book in German, but it is a big commitment and investment. It might help you to find a Ziggurat pattern that has been translated into German (there are quite a few) and learn the steps from that translation.
I like your idea of running wild with your knitting!
Hej Åsa, inden jeg køber bogen på engelsk vil jeg høre om boken finns på svenska eller danska? Jeg er svensk men bor i Danmark. Hilsen Netti
Hej Netti! Nej, tyvärr så finns den bara på engelska. Jag hoppas att så småningom översätta den till danska men det kommer att dröja… Ursäkta sent svar – jag är inte här så ofta… oftare på Ravelry. Hälsningar Åsa
I purchased the book. I’m
Wondering how i can get access for the e-book. Is there a code? Id like to be able to print a copy of the pattern I’m working on to carry with me. Thank you so much
Hello Jean!
Thank you for buying my book! I hope it will inspire many fine-fitting sweaters.
You’ll find the code for the eBook under the back flap.
If it’s not to be found, please contact the place where you bought the book – they should be able to help you.
The eBook gives you additional bonus patterns and also individual updated PDFs for each pattern, so it is definitely a good resource.
For help on how to access the download, please see this detailed help page on Ravelry.
Knit with abandon!