Strikkecamp Storebælt
7.–9. juni 2024 Kom til en dejlig lang weekend med strik, drik, mad, musik, garn, dimser, og masser af inspiration!Hvis du ikke er til at lære ziggurat-strik med mig, kan du hækle flerfarvet med Vivian Høxbro eller finde ud af hvordan du får dit garnlager i spil med Bettina Balslev Sørensen. Eller tage med på […] more…
Fanø Knitting Festival 2022
Fanø Strikkefestival And… they’re back! Fanø Strikkefestival continues after all! New name: Nordby Wooldays Fanø, Denmark See you there!Read more about the rich and exciting program here. Åsa Tricosa workshops (and a talk) Friday 16th, 3 pm: Lecture on Ziggurat & honouring behinds Saturday 17th, 9–12: Ziggurat Basic oppefra og ned med Ziggurat-teknik – FEW SPACES LEFT […] more…
Vandretur (’ramble’) is the cosy yet stylish DK-weight sister to Cykeltur (aran weight). Like Cykeltur it’s perfect for long walks in bright woods and across moody moors, or for the market shop, balancing bags on your bike – in more clement weather. This is one of 12 designs in the Jubilæum Collection, celebrating 10 years of Ziggurating and […] more…
Wafty is one of 12 designs in the Jubilæum Collection, celebrating 10 years of Ziggurating and design. Wafty is the Ziggurat half of Chapter 2 (The Accessory Half: Mo Troppo) Watch the Jubilæum Welcome video that introduces the collection. Wafty is an ethereal little thing with a fluttery collar, saddle shoulders and a pretty puff sleeve. With some bold stripes added for… stripes […] more…
Repartee is one of 12 designs in the Jubilæum Collection, celebrating 10 years of Ziggurating and design. Repartee along with the Mysteriosa shawl make up Chapter 3. Yarn: Crave Yarn Caravan – available (in 50g & 100g skeins) from Yarn Culture. Repartee is the perfect layering piece. Or for wear on its own. Hem and cuffs are split for extra roominess. A wide […] more…
Fanø Knitting Festival
Fanø Strikkefestival And… they’re back! I am so excited to be teaching at this (sadly final) Fanø Strikkefestival with the fitting theme of COMING TOGETHER. See you there!Read more about the rich and exciting program here.(in Danish here) Åsa Tricosa workshops (and a talk) Friday (15:30–16:15): Talk: The Ziggurat Method … and Sizes & BodiesForedrag: Ziggurat-teknikker… […] more…
The Jubilæum Collection
Åsa Tricosa celebrates TEN YEARS of signature knit designs From shawls and gloves to sweaters, where it has always been about interesting solutions, seamless techniques and to inspire knitters to knit with abandon. You are invited to watch this Jubilæum Welcome video for a taste of what’s to come. The Jubilæum Collection will be released one eBook chapter […] more…
Another Ziggurat Class @ Tante Grøn CPH
A SECOND Ziggurat Workshop: September 17 @ Tante Grøn CPH more…
Rabalder is one of 16 designs in Åsa Tricosa Ziggurats: 16 elegantly seamless knits (available from Shephardess & other stockists) Rabalder features a lush oversized brioche cowl. With matching folded cuffs it is a warm hug of a jumper. more…
Sammelsurium is one of 16 designs in Åsa Tricosa Ziggurats: 16 elegantly seamless knits (available from Shephardess & other stockists) This is a DK version of Simple Ziggurat with added little extras and a slightly higher neckline. more…
Simple Summer Ziggurat
Simple Summer Ziggurat is one of 16 designs in Åsa Tricosa Ziggurats: 16 elegantly seamless knits (available from Purlescence & other stockists) This is a fingering/4ply version of the original Simple Ziggurat. more…
Sweet Laurel
Sweet Laurel is one of 16 designs in Åsa Tricosa Ziggurats: 16 elegantly seamless knits (available from Shephardess & other stockists) more…
Vaudeville is one of 16 designs in Åsa Tricosa Ziggurats: 16 elegantly seamless knits (available from Shephardess & other stockists) more…