intarsia join
There is nothing mysterious nor difficult about changing colours between one block of colour and another. This is sometimes referred to as an intarsia join. The rule: OLD OVER new. Then you bring up the new yarn around the old. No twisting or any other shenanigans. right side Place old (grey) yarn over new (blue) Bring […] more…
make a tie-cord
I-cords are great. For example as ties on a baby cardigan like marja-stina: For some purposes a thinner, sturdier tie or cord is the ticket – a tie-cord. more…
moving cable without cable needle
Photo tutorial for the snaking cable on the Io and Mio gloves. more…
blending in
A clever way to transition from one colour or dye lot to the next BAAAA BBAAA BBBAA BBBBA more…
Glove & Mitten Blockers in 10 min
Make your own! For the first time ever I have felt the need to block a pair of gloves. Unilke other knitting, I usually simply wear gloves into shape (despite having discovered the magic of blocking some years ago and no longer dismissing it as a habit of pernickity and supercilious knitters). But here I […] more…