striped candy for (your) stripes


There is a stripey garment KAL (knitalong) running in Barbara’s of Dibadu Yarns Ravelry group right now.

Knitters are knitting some really wonderful things with Barbara’s gradients sets.

There are prizes (yarns, Åsa Tricosa patterns).

And then this quite small additional prize – Danish traditional hard candy (bolcher), but not really traditional… wild colours, gorgeous aesthetics.

I just couldn’t resist the bag purely based on its appealing visuals. Isn’t it pretty??!

There is also the Berlin Knits 2015 Yarn Festival

So… in the interest of stripes (and this is a good cause if ever there was one):

On Saturday May 16th at 14:30 (2:30 pm) I will be at Barbara’s Dibadu stall.

The first Dibadu Gradient KAL knitter who shows me an Åsa Tricosa FO entered in the KAL (finished object) will immediately get more stripes in her (or his, but they’re mostly hers) life – namely this Danish licorice candy. In my world things can hardly get any better.
And licorice.I hope I can stick to my promise to give it away…

See you there! Or in one of my classes there!