Fiberside Chat December 11

Ziggurat Talk!
Hosted by Longmont Yarn Shoppe in collaboration with 36 other yarn shops across North America.

Join me and other knitters and fibre enthusiasts as I Zoom in from Denmark to share my passion for the Ziggurat way of knitting sweaters.
There will be
- giveaways and coupons
- opinions (about the virtue of not cutting the yarn ever (almost never ever))
- celebrations (of the rear – and other favourite body parts)
This is a live Zoom Event on Sunday, December 11th
1:00pm Eastern, 12:00pm Central, 11:00am Mountain, 10:00am Pacific, 7:00pm CET
If you cannot make it on the day, the chat will be recorded and made available for a week for registered attendees.
I try to join the zoom meeting, it would be a pleasure to meet you and learn more about the Ziggurat method.
Thank you for writing! I hope you managed to join the talk and if you did, that it was useful or inspiring – or even both!