Fanø Knitting Festival 2023

And… they’re back!
TICKETS SALES are OPEN for Nordby Wooldays Fanø, Denmark
See you there!
Read more about the rich and exciting program here.
Åsa Tricosa workshops (and talks )
- Friday 15th, 11–11:30 am: Lecture on Ziggurat & honouring behinds (dansk/svensk)
- Saturday 16th, 9–12: Ziggurat Basic oppefra og ned med Ziggurat-teknik (dansk/svensk) – FEW SPACES
- Saturday 16th, 14–17: Ziggurat Basic top down with the Ziggurat method (in ENGLISH) – SOLD OUT
(Swedish-)Danish for the morning Ziggurat class – ENGLISH for the afternoon Ziggurat class.

Want to know what else is up my knitted sleeve? Sign up for the occasional Åsa Tricosa Newsletter.