Fanø Knitting Festival 2022

And… they’re back!
Fanø Strikkefestival continues after all!
New name: Nordby Wooldays Fanø, Denmark
See you there!
Read more about the rich and exciting program here.
Åsa Tricosa workshops (and a talk)
- Friday 16th, 3 pm: Lecture on Ziggurat & honouring behinds
- Saturday 17th, 9–12: Ziggurat Basic oppefra og ned med Ziggurat-teknik – FEW SPACES LEFT
- Saturday 17th, 14–17: Lomme og Usynlig Foret Kant
- Sunday 18th, 9–12: Ziggurat Basic oppefra og ned med Ziggurat-teknik
Language: (Swedish-)Danish
(note: classes are NOT for beginners even if descriptions say so – you need to know your way with yarn & needles, not as an expert but comfortably)

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