Fanø Knitting Festival

And… they’re back!
I am so excited to be teaching at this (sadly final) Fanø Strikkefestival with the fitting theme of COMING TOGETHER.
See you there!
Read more about the rich and exciting program here.
(in Danish here)
Åsa Tricosa workshops (and a talk)
Friday (15:30–16:15): Talk: The Ziggurat Method … and Sizes & Bodies
Foredrag: Ziggurat-teknikker… og størrelser og krop
Saturday (9–12): Basic Ziggurat SOLD OUT
Ziggurat Workshop – oppefra og ned med Ziggurat-teknik
Saturday (14–17): Basic Ziggurat SOLD OUT
Ziggurat Workshop – oppefra og ned med Ziggurat-teknik
Sunday (9–12): Pocket & Seamless Lined Hem
Ziggurat-lomme og usynlig foret kant
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